“No Better Time Than The Present"
“Being born again means to have a new concept of yourself" Dyan Cannon
One of the greatest blessings that we take for granted the most is the opportunity to wake up every morning to chase our dreams. The fact that we woke up this morning with a fresh slate should be more than enough reason to make something of ourselves, but we often allow the inconveniences of yesterday to leave a stain on today. We often lose sight of the present by worrying about things that are already set in stone. Today’s piece is a reminder that there’s no greater time than the present to create the life we want to live.
When I was researching how to heal my sciatica in a more natural way, I stumbled across a video by Dr. Bruce Lipton about resetting the subconscious mind. After falling in that rabbit hole, I stumbled into another when I watched Tom Bilyeu’s interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza on the negative effects of worrying about the past. During this interview, one of the many things that stuck with me, is how we constantly repeat the negative scenarios in our minds and that dictates how our day will go. It made me sit back and think how many times I’ve woken up, stressed about things that happened already and how easily it ruined the next day.
Watching that interview really changed my perspective on how I wake up every morning. Once I learned that, I learned the power of setting morning routines to help get the ball running. I get up early around 4–530, take a shower, do my gratitude exercises in the shower and I try to find something inspirational to read or conjure up my own inspirational piece. Over time, my sciatica healed itself. Haven’t had a pain in years. That routine has stuck with me even more now being a parent because by the time I’m done with my routine, the “Irish Twin" show is just getting started. Just by starting my day with those minutes to myself, I’m setting the tone for the day. I’m giving myself the opportunity to set my intentions for the day and find ways to ensure that I have a great day.
By doing this daily routine, I give myself permission to look for the positives everyday. You may not be an early bird, you may prefer the night owl lifestyle but taking time to yourself is critical to your self growth. Understanding the opportunity we have of having a fresh 24 hours to rewrite our story should give us all the courage we need to fight another day. The one thing that I remind myself is that yesterday happened and there’s nothing we can do about it. We can’t do a MCU “Time Heist" to go back and correct our mistakes. What we can do, is use the next set of 24 hours to improve our life in any way possible.
Every morning our feet touch the ground, we should be excited that we get another chance to get it right. As I said in my book, you are one decision away from changing everything. Why not choose to make the best of your day? We’ve seen what happens when we start the day off to some bullshit, let’s anticipate great things happening on our behalf. By getting another day to get it right and making the conscious effort to do/be better, we are making small steps towards greatness. Those small steps may not mean much now but 6 months to a year from now, you will see a difference.
Taking control of your day is a secret power that only the strong possess because as previously stated, it’s easy to remain positive when everything is going right. On the days that you feel you are going to snowball, it is important to understand that whether today falls apart or comes together is 100% on you. By choosing to be better than you were yesterday, you have entered the only competition that’s relevant.
Every day we get a chance to chase our dreams. Everyday we get a chance to put the past behind us and work on creating a better future. How we spend the next 24 is completely on us. We can mope around, highlighting the failures of yesterday or we can keep our head high knowing that we are doing the best with what is given. We can be sad about our life or we can boss up & be grateful for the chance to get it right. Starting today, let’s work on being a better version of ourselves. Our future can be amazing or it can be mundane but the only person who has the answer to which one plays out is the person you see in your reflection.
- SB