“Out of Range"
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” — Caroline Myss
The blessing that we were all born with, is our natural born gift. Some of us have found our niche and are putting the work in to get there. If you are one of the select few who haven’t found their calling, I am here to reassure you that there is a blessing out there right now, with your name all over it. You may not feel connected to it and it is because you are out of range.
When we compare ourselves to the energy beacon we are, we are equipped with the necessities to achieve the unthinkable. Look at all the devices we use the most on a daily basis: the internet and our cell phones. If we want to connect to the wifi, we must be in range of the signal we are trying to connect to. The farther we are from the signal, the weaker the signal. The closer we are to the signal, the stronger the connection. The same goes with us and pursuing our dreams. The farther we are from the signal, the weaker we feel. The more out of place we feel, the farther we are away from the signal. The same goes for when we are deeply connected to our purpose. The closer we are to the signal, the more creative ideas flow. The closer we are to the source, the more we believe it is achievable.
The best way to reconnect with our signal is to become obsessed with who we are. As mentioned in a previous post, the more we understand who we are, the easier we connect to what fits our path. If we are ever disconnected from the source, that means we are farther away from ourselves. In the age of distraction, it’s easy to get disconnected from who we are but this is where hard work, diligence, perseverance, discipline and execution come into play.
A while back, I wrote a post called, “Silence is The Sleep That Nourishes Wisdom". In this post I briefly touched on the importance of calming our minds so we can discover our true purpose. When we are in a state of calmness, we are giving our true self the authority to take control. The programs we run subconsciously take the wheel and we blindly follow. When we are silent with the intent to discover who we are, we are allowing ourselves to connect to the source.
Most people hate being alone in silence because they don’t have control over their thoughts or are unsure on ways to stop negativity in it’s tracks. When we practice mindfulness, monitor how we feel and move towards what makes us feel alive, we are allowing the connection to grow stronger. The more we are in tune with how we feel, the easier it is for us to move accordingly.
When we are deeply connected with ourselves, we act accordingly. The more connected we are with ourselves, the easier it is for us to decipher which route we are going to take in life. Pursuing our vision isn’t an easy task but to see it through and put these simple practices to use, the easier it is for us to know the direction we are going in our life. Think of life like the first time you played GTA. At first you realize you have free reign to do whatever you want. Then you discover that if you carry out each mission, each encounter will push you further in the story mode. At any moment you can choose to do what you want but the more you focus on the story line, you get pulled in to see how the story ends.
In the Shang-Chi movie, there was a scene where Katy had doubts in her abilities, the lady training her says, “if you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.” That statement is very profound because it is very true in real time. If we don’t set out aims at anything, we will be wandering around like Franklin on GTA, starting shit for no reason. But the moment we lock in on the mission, we will be guided by the signals on which way to go.
Life is full of opportunities to better ourselves, we just have to get reconnected with, as Katt Williams put it, “The Star Player". When we are reconnected with ourselves, we will discover which way we need to go and embark on a never ending journey to achieve such calling. When we get reconnected to the signal of the direction of life we are supposed to go, we will acquire the proper strengths & wisdom to move accordingly to our goal.
The going will be rough because again, as stated, our brain is designed to keep us safe. Anything other than following the flow will send our noggin into full scale defense mode. The trick is to rewire your brain by daily actions, affirmations and taking moments of silence to get directions on the code to add to your program. Only in silence are we able to achieve this.
In closing, it’s time to realign ourselves so we can get reconnected to the signal. We all have gifts that can be used to leave the earth better than it was when we got here. We all have a purpose for being on this planet and the stronger the connection is with ourselves, the more we are following the path to success. I believe that those who have accomplished what we are aiming to achieve have laid the blueprint for us to achieve said dream.
Starting today, take some time to connect with yourself. Take some time to give yourself permission to connect with your dreams. A calm mind is a fertile field to cultivate a new vision for our life. We need to surround ourselves with positive people that are making steps towards being a better version of themselves. We can attract these people by being clear with ourselves and intentional in our time of silence.
- SB