“Upgrade Your Conviction To Match Your Destiny”
Conviction — a firmly held belief or opinion
Technology has high-key become the bane of our existence. We now have more access to “the world” than any other generation before us. But somehow, in my unpopular opinion, I feel like we are taking the gravy train in the wrong direction. Along with the ability of having everything literally at your fingertips, every so often, our device let’s us know that it’s time for an upgrade. If you’re anything like me, I’ll let that message pop up on my screen for about 78 days before I’m like, “alright, bruh. Damn!”. But imagine if the reason we keep walking around the same circle in life is because we have yet to upgrade our personal/mental iOS system?
When you think about an upgrade, the first thing that comes to mind is “what’s new?”. When our devices get new software, the apps change, the bugs in certain apps are “fixed” and all around the upgrade gives you a better experience with your device. Our brain works the exact same way. That 3lb organ that illustrates your version of reality is the most complex thing we have yet to fully understand. But the one thing we have understood is that if you want to make a change in your life, upgrade in thought process and quality of life are mandatory.
By downloading new information into our daily thought process, we no longer choose to take the “easy” route. When we upgrade our quality of life, we will pick the bad weeds out of the garden that hinder our fruits from growing. When we realize we deserve better, we will begin to do better and attract better. When you tend to your thought process and remove the trials, tribulations that you hold on to from the past, you are making room for growth.
Follow me here: when you start math class, you don’t start off with long division and equations, you start with the basics. You test the water with addition and once you start to get the hang of it, you get a pre-test to see if you’ve really been paying attention. After you prove to the instructor that you are confident in your skill, the problems will continue to get tougher but because you understand the basics, it’s easier to find a solution. Once you pass the test on addition you’re ready for subtraction. Once you’re ready for subtraction, you’re learning not only the power of adding value, it’s time to learn the lesson of losing value. You go so and so forth until you get to the Stephen Hawkins level.
The point I’m making here is this: every day in life is a test. You may not be where you want to be in life and it could be because you haven’t learned the required lesson to level up. Like the story of Moses leading the Isrealites into the wilderness for Forty Years. They lost faith in the process and because of their unwillingness to see the way when there was no way, they were stuck walking in the same circle. It was only after they put their worries down and began to regain that connection, that they were able to break the cycle.
Sometimes we need to find a way to get away from the distractions and tap into our mental iOS upgrade. We need to step away from Instagram, step away from politics, step away from mainstream media and light up some ganja to help elevate our thoughts. Elevate out of our external shell and tap into that light that is present within each and every one of us. By tapping into our inner-self, we allow ourselves room to make those necessary connections. To not only say you’re going to cut dead weight out of your life but you actually leave whatever is holding you back where it is.
In closing, today let’s make the conscious decision to upgrade our personal software. Let’s go through and find the areas that need some tweaking and make the necessary adjustments. Change isn’t easy but it is often necessary. If you are unsure what needs to be changed/switched, make a list (could be a physical list or a mental list) of all the things you want to be and say no to everything that isn’t on the list.
“Don’t downgrade your dream to match your reality, upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.”
- SB